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Advent Light

The Christian calendar with seasons of Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Ordinary, Lent, and Easter/Pentecost, Kingdomtide, is something that the Church developed over decades and centuries, but mostly after the days of Constantine when the Church gained civil freedoms from persecution and elevation into prominence in Roman society. Advent, in particular, was not introduced unt...

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Acting Upon God's Authority

The Christian Church in the western world has today become sinfully disobedient as a result of a spirit of timidity that has been taught, particularly to men, also by men in church leadership, perhaps partially because these leaders do not want to be challenged by other men themselves. The overemphasis of the gentle Jesus, as the model for men, has hindered men from respon...

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Seeking God in Trouble

centered in god's word

Jesus spoke the truth of course, when He said, “In this world you will have trouble…”. It is often the case that when we are in trouble, we think about or begin to pray to God for help, but the trouble we are facing also causes us anxiety, also making it difficult to pray. Worrying does that – it consumes our hearts and minds, because of the uncertainties related ...

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Willingness to Fight

Battle Giants

When engaged in spiritual warfare, you must understand, who the enemy you are fighting is, how the enemy fights, and how the battle is won.In a time when infants are sacrificed to demons (there is nothing new under the sun) for the empowerment of enemy forces, the Church must be fully equipped and engaged with the spiritual weapons of warfare, it has been given, namely o...

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Pray for Israel


Pray for the Jewish people all the time, but especially at the beginning of their New Year, and in their 10 days of repentance before celebrating the Day of Atonement, according to the Law of Moses. May their hearts be humbled and minds turned to believe in Yeshua Hamashiach (Jesus Christ) in agreement and complete fulfillment of the prophetic words written through Zech...

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Living Working Relationship


Jesus said, "I have testimony weightier than John. For the the very work that the Father has given me to finish, and which I am doing, testifies that the Father has sent me." -John 5:36 Jesus had His own particular work that was assigned to Him, but it was not just or really Him doing it, but also the Father working in Him, as He said, "Do you believe that I am in the Fat...

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